Thank you for writing this article! I had learned elsewhere that an article didn't count as read unless a reader went all the way to the end, including the CTA at the bottom, but I didn't know that using the listening feature would also ensure that a reader's view of an article counted as read. Good to know!
I'm guessing that use of JAWS or other screen-reading accessibility software doesn't count toward one's read total, either; only the Medium proprietary one does?
It would be interesting to do a comparison of the two as to which reads better. For most blind people, the Medium one would read too slowly, as experienced JAWS users have the reading speed on their software set to auctioneer speed, whereas Medium's story reader reads at a normal vocal speed. I like Medium's reader very much, except for when it encounters italics; it doesn't know what to do with them, vocally.
I can't test the two programs because I don't use screen reader software.