I used to hear on social media that, "The Koch brothers are evil." This was invariably said by people of the liberal political persuasion. I never could figure out why they were considered evil, but that's irrelevant to my story.
A few years ago I saw a news segment that I at first thought was about Coca-Cola because they mentioned "Coke." Turned out it was actually Koch.
The news piece showed how, at their company, the Koch HR department determined whether to hire people in part based on how they treated the receptionist or a staff member who presented herself as admin staff needing help in some way.
If the applicant helped the staff person, this was considered a mark in their favor. If the applicant didn't offer help, that person wasn't going to be hired.
When I saw that, I knew, however "evil" they might be in other ways, I wanted to work for Koch because they had their priorities correct.