Eat at Trill Burgers in Houston!No citizens of Trillius Prime were harmed in the making of these burgers.Feb 22Feb 22
Three Types of YouTube NDE Stories I Avoid Listening to and WhyI’ve been studying near-death experiences for about a year and a half. I didn’t realize there was a wealth of them on YouTube until I…Dec 28, 2024Dec 28, 2024
Published inPractice in PublicPreparedness Is the Real Take-Away from David and GoliathIt’s not about size disparity at all.Jun 28, 2024Jun 28, 2024
Sermon of the GrapevineA small beacon of hope as we live through a time of pruning.Apr 29, 20241Apr 29, 20241
I Am Not a But-less ChristianI’m about to disappoint my deacon terribly, and I wish I didn’t have to.Oct 29, 20231Oct 29, 20231
How Dog Grooming Videos and Russian Foxes Showed Me the Dependence of DomesticationOur pets need us. We did this to them.Jul 8, 20231Jul 8, 20231
How I Dealt with the Covid Pandemic While Legally BlindIf you even think you have Covid, don’t come here!May 26, 20231May 26, 20231
Three Things I’ve Learned from Listening to Near-Death ExperiencesThe method I use to learn about God.Apr 29, 20233Apr 29, 20233